Pak Green is familiar with the legal requirements and procedure for environmental studies and its approval as per Environmental Protection Act 1997 of Pakistan as well as with the policies and guidelines of international donors regarding environmental and social aspects of development projects.
Scope of Services
- Terms of Reference (TOR) and Initial Environmental Examination (IEE),
- Scoping Document/ Terms of Reference and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA),
- Social Impact Assessment (SIA),
- Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA),
- Acquisition Compensation and Relocation Plan (ACRP),
- Resettlement and Rehabilitation Plan (RRP)
- Vulnerable Community Development Plan (VCDP);
- Environmental Monitoring
- Environmental and Mitigation management plan
Thrust Areas
Major thrust areas include the preparation of:
- Baseline Environmental Assessment
- Environmental Management Plan (EMP);
- Acquisition, Compensation and Relocation Plan (ACRP) ;
- Resettlement and Rehabilitation Plan (RRP);
- Environment Protection Plan (EPP);
- Solid Waste Management Plan;
- Occupational Health and Safety Plan;
- Muck Disposal and Management Plan;
- Compensatory Aforestation Plan;
- Restoration and Revegetation Plan;
- Vulnerable Community Development Plan (VCDP)
- Review of Environmental Reports.
Legislator Bodies
Major developers / authority’s guidelines, that follow during preparations are:
- Environmental protection agencies
- Asian development bank
- World bank
Environmental Audits:
The research enthusiastic employees of Pak Green Group conduct environmental audits including water audit, energy audit and gas emission audit of different industries according to international standards and guidelines. The purpose of these audits is to evaluate current consumption trends and propose conservation strategies that make our resources sustainable. Our technically expert team will help you to enhance your environmental reputation and business efficiency through these audits.
Water Auditing Services
An important element of our consulting services is the water audit program. We offers water audits to federal, multi-family and commercial customers. With our water audit services, a trained water conservation auditor will conduct a comprehensive on site survey, collect water meter data, identify all sources of water, identify water using equipment, detect leaks, and provide water conservation measures that will reduce facility water usage..
We will provide a water audit report which will provide an analysis of current water usage, and provide a detailed list of water conservation measures. Each water conservation measures will include a description of the problem, the proposed solution, the estimated water savings, the cost to implement the solution, and estimated payback and savings for each recommended measure. We also provide information about rebates, incentives, or other applicable programs. As part of the audit, we will conduct a water balance, which will compare the metered water amounts with the estimated water usage of all of the water consuming devices. From this we have in the past been able to identify leaks and metering problems.
The purpose of a water audit report is to provide an assessment of current water usage practices, and provide a roadmap towards decreasing water usage in the future.
Energy Conservation
Total Energy Analysis & Management
- Complete Health check for all forms of Energy Systems
- Awareness & Training Programms on Relevant Topics
- Idea Generation Campaigns
- Provide Techno-Economically Feasible Suggestions
Energy Audit
- Energy Accounting & Balancing
- Specific Energy Consumption
- Performance Of Major Equipments
- Study of Distribution Systems
- Study of Process & Operations
- Thermography of Electric Panel
Utility Audit
- Performance testing of all Utility Equipments like
- Identification of Potential Areas
- Provide Techno-Economically Feasible Suggestions
- Utility Audit Report
Process Energy Audit
- Energy & Mass Balance of Entire Plant
- Energy & Mass Balance of Major Operations & Processes
- Identification Of Potential Areas
- Provide Techno-Economically Feasible Suggestions for optimize total cost of Energy
- Process Energy Audit Report
Chiller Performance
Pump Performance
Power & Harmonics Analysis
Thermal Imaging
Indoor Parameters
Energy & Mass Balance of Entire Plant
A complete energy & mass balance analysis is carried out based on the process information and existing data for the entire plant. The data is analyzed to identify & quantify
- Energy Efficiency – Ratio of useful energy to the total energy supplied
- Yield – Ratio of useful product to the total input material
- Major sources of energy losses with quantification
- Major sources material losses with quantification
- Identification of major operations & processes
The data is correlated and extrapolated to entire plant and tallied with the purchased values of energy as well as material.
Energy & Mass Balance of Major Operations & Processes
A complete energy & mass balance analysis is carried out based on the process information and existing data for each of the major process & operation. The data is analyzed to identify & quantify
- Energy Efficiency â- Ratio of useful energy to the total energy supplied
- Yield – Ratio of useful product to the total input material
- Major sources of energy losses with quantification
- Major sources material losses with quantification
Identification Of Potential Areas
This involves overall analysis of various data to identify major potential gain areas & their contribution. The study tabulates all the major prospective resource saving areas and realistic saving potential through each of the areas.
Provide Techno-Economically Feasible Suggestions for optimize total cost of Energy
This involves overall analysis of various data to identify major potential gain areas & their contribution. The study tabulates all the major prospective resource saving areas and realistic saving potential through each of the areas. The opportunities for conservation of energy are detailed complete with techno-economic feasibility analysis.
Process Energy Audit Report
The reports the various aspects as above; while also covering analysis of major processes & equipments complete with opportunities for conservation of energy and techno-economic feasibility analysis.
Once the industry or the proposed project gets environmental approval the under the section 12 EPA, A compliance report is needed by the under the section 13 and 14 compliance all the conditions are full filled according to the NOC and further suggested and recommended.
- KnN’s
- Honda
- Sitara Chemicals
- Five Star Foods Pvt Limited
- Sapphire
- US Apparel and so on…
After issuance of compliance confirmation, under section 18 (2) an annual report would be submitted, summarizing operational performance of the project with reference to conditions of approval and maintenance and mitigatory measures adopted for projects.
- Tetra pak
- Coca Cola
- KnN’s
- BBJ pipe
- Auriga Chemical Enterprises
- Ismail Industries
ISWM takes an overall approach to creating sustainable systems that are economically affordable, socially acceptable and environmentally effective. An integrated solid waste management system involves the use of a range of different treatment methods, and key to the functioning of such a system is the collection and sorting of the waste. It is important to note that no one single treatment method can manage all the waste materials in an environmentally effective way. Thus, all of the available treatment and disposal options must be evaluated equally and the best combination of the available options suited to the particular community chosen. Effective management schemes therefore need to operate in ways which best meet current social, economic, and environmental conditions of the municipality.
We provide data-driven solutions to optimize recycling, diversion and waste management programs for federal government entities, state agencies and municipalities; trade associations and other NGOs; and private sector waste generators. We offer a wide range of planning, financial modeling, operational analysis, and procurement support services and are especially focused on characterizing material streams to identify recycling, diversion, composting, energy recovery, and other opportunities to reduce waste disposal.
Our Services include:
- Waste Characterization, Generation and Composition Studies
- Collection System Optimization and Technology Upgrade
- Collection, Transfer, Disposal and Processing Procurement Assistance
- Visible Litter Surveys and Litter Policy Research
- Solid Waste Management and Zero Waste Plans
- Recycling & Composting Program Development
- Business and Institutional Waste and Recycling Audits
- GIS & Computer-Optimized Routing
- Market Analysis and Feasibility Studies